Australian TAFE Directory
No matter where you are in Australia, there’s bound to be a TAFE provider near you. With online and in-class options abound; there’s an option to help you achieve your career goals just around the corner
TAFE is one of the best training options you can make. With more courses, campuses and training facilities on offer than University; you can get qualified in no time and enter the job market with skills and confidence. Better yet, TAFE is continually proving to have some of the best job outcomes in Australia, with TAFE qualified students performing better than their University counterparts. Don’t believe us? Here’s a few stats on the latest TAFE performance data:
Average salary for a VET qualified graduate, $2K higher than University graduates
of TAFE graduates can find a job in the four months after graduating, compared to 68% of University grads
More TAFE and other Institution Locations
TAFE in Australia
TAFE stands for Technical and Further Education and is a form of VET education offered by government-run institutions. it’s also the most popular method of study in Australia; with 4.2 million Aussies choosing to go to TAFE and private VET providers than University. There are plenty of benefits for choosing to study at TAFE, including shorter courses, flexible study options and less financial commitment. The highest paid graduate job in Australia only requires a VET qualification; compared to some careers that need numerous higher Education qualifications and years of study.