Training Packages in Australia
Training Packages are national recognised qualifications designed to help students develop the skills needed for today’s workplace. These can be found in Universities, TAFEs and Private Educators across the country.
What are Training Packages?
A Training Package is a set of nationally endorsed standards and qualifications used to recognise and assess the skills and knowledge people need to perform effectively in the workplace.
Training Packages are a key resource for registered training organisations (RTOs) in the delivery of structured, accredited training.
A Training Package states what competencies need to be achieved but does not prescribe how an individual should be trained. It is the responsibility of the RTO, through its trainers, to develop teaching strategies and assessment methods to meet the needs, abilities and circumstances of learners.
The Purpose of a Training Package
Benefits of Training Packages
Standards for Training Packages
A Training Package has two parts: endorsed components and support materials. Training package standards need to include these two sections. An example of the Training package inclusions include:
1. Endorsed Materials
The three compulsory endorsed components of a Training Package are:
2. Support Materials
Training Package support materials are designed to support the delivery and assessment of the training. Generally they are either learning strategies, assessment resources or professional development advice.