Government subsidised training for vocational and TAFE courses in Darwin and NT
In the Northern Territory, two government funding programs exist. The User Choice scheme funds Australian apprenticeships and traineeships and Skills Checkpoint program provides tailored advice, direction, and subsidised training to help those older in age to retrain or upskill.
TAFEs and authorised Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) can provide funded courses. The NT government pays the course fee to the training provider upon enrolment. You may still need to pay some fees for facilities and services and study materials like textbooks.
Vocational education and training funding is available for various courses at various skill levels, including certificates II, III, and IV levels and above. Regardless of where you are in the NT—in Darwin or further afield—funding is available for eligible students.
All funding programs require that you live and work in the NT and that you are either an:
• Australian citizen
• Permanent resident
• New Zealand citizen
• Eligible visa holder
You can learn about the additional criteria for each program on the page.
Government Funding Schemes in Northern Territory

Skills Checkpoint
Skills Checkpoint is a government program that supports Australians over 40 to upskill or retrain so they can advance or change their careers.
Learn More
User Choice
Australian Apprentices can receive assistance from User Choice, a national government funding program, to cover the cost of training and assessment services.
Learn More